
Chapter 2 - Division
Man Appointed Mortal Sorrow
“But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God”[1]
We learned in the first chapter that God’s desire is to dwell with His greatest creation, man. However, there is a separation, which was caused by the fall of man, a separation caused by sin. The prophet Isaiah captures this perfectly when he penned these words: “But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you.”[2] Where once God dwelt with man in the garden; today our sins have caused a separation between our Creator, to the point where God has hidden His face from us.
It’s Worse than Words can Paint It
Let’s spend some time in the 59th chapter of Isaiah; paying special attention to the description of man since the initial separation that took place in the garden with the original sin. “For your hands are defiled with blood, And your fingers with iniquity; Your lips have spoken falsehood, Your tongue mutters wickedness… Their works are works of iniquity, and an act of violence is in their hands. Their feet run to evil, And they hasten to shed innocent blood; Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity; Devastation and destruction are in their highways. They do not know the way of peace… They have made their paths crooked; Whoever treads on them does not know peace… We hope for light, but behold, darkness; For brightness, but we walk in gloom. We grope along the wall like blind men, We grope like those who have no eyes; We stumble at midday as in twilight, Among those who are vigorous we are like dead men… We hope for justice, but there is none, For salvation, but it is far from us. For our transgressions are multiplied before Thee, And our sins testify against us; For our transgressions are with us, And we know our iniquities: Transgressing and denying the LORD, And turning away from our God.”[3]
Just looked at the words to describe man in his fallen state; “defiled, iniquity, falsehood, mutters wickedness, works of iniquity, act of violence, feet run to evil, shed innocent blood, thoughts of iniquity, devastation and destruction are our highways, paths crooked, darkness, gloom, blind men, no eyes, stumble, dead men, transgressions are multiplied, sins testify against us, transgressions are with us, we know our iniquities, transgressing and denying the LORD, and turning away from our God.” This is how God see mankind in his fallen state. This is His description from His book about us. Charles Spurgeon said this regarding the description of man in this fallen state; “You cannot slander human nature; it is worse than words can paint it.”
All have sinned
We get a clear picture of the fallen state of man recorded just prior to the flood. The Bible says; “Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”[4] God would eventually destroy man in all his wickedness with the great flood, saving just eight. The Apostle Peter wrote; “The world at that time was destroyed, being flooded with water. But the present heavens and earth by His word are being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment and destruction of ungodly men.”[5]
The wickedness of mankind has not escaped the New Testament which says; “For there is no distinction; for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”[6] All of us, every person, everywhere has sinned and fallen short of the standard of God. Mankind has a date with his maker and all of our sin has a price.
There is a payment due for all this sin. The 20th Chapter of Revelation describes how all will stand before God and be judged, “and if anyone’s name was not found written in the book of life he was thrown into the lake of fire.”[7] This is confirmed in the book of Hebrews where it says; “It is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment.”[8]
The Wages of Sin
The Bible is clear; the payment for sin is death. The Bible words it; “The wages of sin is death.”[9] When you think about the wages, what do you think of? For most of us when we think of wages we think of working for a paycheck, right. The paycheck each of us has earned for our sin, is a paycheck signed, death. Each of us has earned it! Does anyone want to cash that check? I don’t, do you?
The Bible says; “Then as through one transgression there resulted condemnation to all men.”[10] Sin has affected us all, all of us have a date with death, and all of us must answer for our unholy acts to a holy God. The Old Testament says, “He (God) will by no means leave the guilty unpunished.”[11] We are all condemned and without hope in our fallen state.
The sin of Adam, which seemed like so small after all we are talking about a piece of fruit. Adam did not sleep with his secretary, he did not talk Eve into aborting there first born son. Adam didn’t slap Eve, but that one sin has left all of mankind in a precarious situation. Man has been appointed mortal sorrow this mortal sorrow is death. Man is in big trouble and we can try to rationalize it all we want but man is in a giant hell hole in which he cannot climb out.
Examine the religions from around the world and you will see man trying to fix this problem himself. Outside of Christianity, every major religion around the world attempts to correct this problem through “good works”. Man can only make feeble attempts to rebuild this relationship with God on his own. No one can reach heaven and see God with his own God works.
Go out and ask the average person on the street, “do you consider yourself a good person?” The answer invariably comes back, “yes”. All of us think that there are others worse than ourselves. We think, “God will somehow weigh out our good qualities against the bad, and as long as our good outweighs our bad, we seem to think that we will be ok”.
However, this is not how God judges. God see our self righteousness and says; “All our righteous deeds are like a filthy garment,”[12] and “there is none righteous, not even one.”[13] So no matter how hard we try to be better, how much we tell God that we’re sorry for all our mistakes. We all have a great debt looming, a great payment for our sin.
Imagine passing from this life right now and waking up in a large theater. You are sitting there all alone and in through a side door flies in a large angels saying; “Welcome to the Theater of Judgment, relax!” Yea, right relax. The screen in front of you begins to play all of your lives sins. I don’t want a private showing let alone a public showing of every sin I have committed against God. It is more than apparent that I have lied, and cheated, and stolen, and my words have been unkind. My iniquities will testify against me.
Man has created millions and millions of laws for himself; however, I doubt that we will ever improve upon the Ten that God gave us. The Bible says that all of us have broken the Ten Commandments or the law and that “by the works of the Law no flesh will be justified in His sight; for through the Law comes the knowledge of sin.”[14] The Law only reveals our sin and our need for salvation.
If man was so good, so moral what need is there for even human laws? Just look how new laws are passed daily around the world to curb the behaviors of man. Man is constantly looking for so advantage against his brother, some way to take advantage of the system, some way to cheat or steal. Man is not good or moral. Jesus was once stopped when a man called out “Good Teacher”. And Jesus replied, “Why do you call me good, no one is good except God alone.”[15] So no matter how we try to sugar coat it, man has a heart that is evil and basically bad. If you don’t believe it, think about this. Do we need to teach our children how to lie, or how to tell the truth? Do we need to teach our kids how to steal or that they should not take what is not theirs?
He who Finds his Life
In colleges and universities around the world something called the hierarchy of needs is taught to our young people. The hierarchy of needs is a theory set for by Abraham Maslow. Abraham Maslow believed that man is basically good, he said; “As far as I know we just don’t have any intrinsic instincts for evil.” This could not be further from what the Bible teaches about mankind. Let’s look at what is being taught in nearly every university and college around the world is actually in exact contradiction to what the Bible teaches.
In Maslow’s paper, “A Theory of Human Motivation”[16] Maslow puts for his theory of the Hierarchy of Needs, in his theory proports that the every person has needs that must be fulfilled. These needs are broken down from the most basic to a person’s final fulfillment. In Maslow’s theory man pinnacle of fulfillment is Self Actualization (which is following or doing your inner most desires).
There is a major problem with these teachings, besides the fact that this cannot be proven and that is they are untrue and unbiblical. If we are teaching our kids that mankind is basically good, that man doesn’t “have any intrinsic instincts for evil.” Then we have taught our kids that they don’t need a savior or God and we have taught our kids a lie. If the pinnacle of our needs is Self Actualization, doing what we want to do, following the desires of our heart, then this is even a greater lie.
Look at what the Bible says about doing our will; “For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please… Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I have forewarned you that those who practice such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.”[17]
If we follow the teachings of Maslow, we will follow our heart, doing what we want and what we think will make us feel good. Yet the Bible is clear, it says; “The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it? I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give to each man according to his ways, According to the results of his deeds.”[18]
This is not a matter of semantics, Maslow’s teachings and those of the world are that man is basically good and Maslow teaches that our greatest need is “Self Actualization”, doing what we want to do. The Bible which is God’s infallible Word says, “Don’t follow your heart, it’s deceitfully wicked; Don’t follow your flesh for it is at war with the Spirit and longs to do evil continually.”
Abraham Maslow also said; “Since this inner nature is good or neutral rather than bad, it is best to bring it out and to encourage it rather than to suppress it. If it is permitted to guide our life, we grow healthy, fruitful, and happy.” What man wants to do is to gratify the lusts of his flesh and this will never make man happy.
The famous actor Jim Carrey said; “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dreamed of so they can see it’s not the answer.”[19] However, Jesus said it even better when He said; “He who has found his life shall lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake shall find it.”[20] Or put it this way, if we want to gain His life, we need to lose ourselves in Him.
Are the people of this world good?
Just look at the world and you will see that man is not basically good. In 2002, statistics were put out showing that around the world more than 63.5 million crimes had been committed, this was just in the top 83 countries that reported. These crimes included; Assaults, Burglaries, Child Abuse, Car thefts, Drug offences, embezzlements, frauds, gun violence, kidnappings, manslaughters, murders, rape, robbery, and much more![21]
What is missing from these statistics are the unreported crimes, the unreported nations, and the crimes against God which are not against our human laws such as; divorce, abortion, and blaspheming God. Think about how many of God’s laws our world has broken. 53.5 million crimes, countless more unreported, and only God knows the millions and billions of other sins man commits every single year.
All these sins are found in mankind. The Bible says; “If you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live.”[22] Those who believe in Jesus are taught; “consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry. For it is on account of these things that the wrath of God will come, and in them you also once walked, when you were living in them.”[23]
We have not been called to follow our inner desires; the Bible teaches us that these inner desires lead to death and destruction. We have been called to put away our desires. Jesus said, we need to put these desire to death, this is what he meant when He said; “Take up your cross and follow me.”[24]
The Bible says; “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ.”[25] The philosophies of this world teach that, this life is about reaching your highest self, satisfying your own desires; which is life that is about you. Jesus taught that you need to be selfless, not selfish. Jesus taught us to put away our own desires and do the will of the Father.
Making Dead People Alive
Mankind does have one great need. Man must be saved from himself and his impending death. See Jesus did not come to make good people better or to make bad people good. Jesus came to make dead people alive, to make blind people see, to make deaf people hear, that we might be raised with him. The Bible confirms this very theme.
When John the Baptist was in prison, he sent his disciples to Jesus to ask, “Are You the Expected One, or shall we look for someone else?” And Jesus answered and sad to them, “Go and report to John what you hear and see: the blind receive sight and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, and the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them.”[26]
“For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through Him.”[27] Although God could rightly judge the world in it’s sin, God provided a way out. Man could not save himself, so God stepped in to save us.
Man Cannot save Himself
There was no way for man to dig himself out of the bottomless pit of hell. Man has been appointed mortal sorrow, since the day that Adam first sinned. Mankind needed to be rescued. God saw our pathetic situation so He saved us. Remember where we started in Isaiah 59 where the prophet described all our evil and iniquity. Here is what it says next; “And He (God) saw that there was no man, and was astonished that there was no one to intercede; Then His own arm brought salvation to Him.”[28]
The Son of God is so often described as the arm of God in the Old Testament. Jesus brought salvation because there was no one among men to intercede for us. Salvation comes from God. The Bible says; “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast.”[29]
We are saved by our faith, not by what we do or how good we become. Our salvation is not by works. No one will stand before God and boast of his own “earned” salvation. Salvation is from God and it is His gift to us. Remember earlier I quoted Romans 6:23 which says, “The wages of sin is death.” Well the complete verse actually says; “The wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
The Free Gift
In the 5th chapter of Romans the free gift is mentioned five times, this gift is unearned and undeserved. If we could assist in paying for this gift then it would no longer be a free gift. This is the part I like because it also says in the 5th chapter of Romans; “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”[30]
Jesus spoke of this free gift with the Samaritan woman at the well when He said to her; “If you know the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink,’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.”[31] Jesus goes on to tell her that this living water shall become a well of water springing up to eternal life.
This free gift is not lost in the Old Testament. Isaiah prophesied; “Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters; And you who have no money come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost.”[32] Sound free to you? It is for all who ask and believe. We will never enter through the gates of heaven on our own good works.
Entrance into the Promise Land
We enter the gates of heaven “being justified as a gift by His grace through the redemption which is in Christ Jesus.”[33] This right standing with God is not just a New Testament concept, look at what it says three verses earlier in the text. “But now apart from the Law the righteousness of God has been manifested, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets.”[34] This concept of salvation apart from the Law is witnessed in the Old Testament.
The book of Deuteronomy records Israel just prior to their entrance into the promise land. The promise land represents a type or a shadow of heaven. God then speaks to Israel prior to them entering into the promise land and says; “Do not say in your heart when the LORD your God has driven them out before you, ‘Because of my righteousness the LORD has brought me in to possess this land’… It is not for your righteousness or for the uprightness of your heart that you are going to possess their land, but it is because of the wickedness of these nations that the LORD your God is driving them out before you, in order to confirm the oath which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Know, then, it is not because of your righteousness that the LORD your God is giving you this good land to possess, for you are a stubborn people.”[35]
Three times God says to the children of Israel, “It’s not because of your righteousness”. God brings them into the promise land to confirm the oath which He made with the patriarchs Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God does it because He promised it. He did it not because the people were so good, but because He is so good.
Salvation belongs to the LORD
I want to give you a tour of what the Bible says about salvation, so that there can be no questions that it is unmerited favor which God bestows freely to all who believe and trust in Him. The Psalmist wrote; “Salvation belongs to the LORD.”[36] The prophet Jonah who was swallowed by a great fish said; “Salvation is from the LORD.”[37]
Isaiah makes reference to the arm of God which is a reference to Jesus the Son of God and He prophesied concerning the salvation of God. Isaiah wrote; “The LORD has bared His holy arm in the sight of all the nations, that all the ends of the earth may see the salvation of our God”[38] This prophecy by Isaiah is just a few verses before He prophesies an entire chapter referring to Jesus as the suffering servant.
The Prophet Micah who prophesied the exact town of the birth of Messiah Jesus also wrote these words; “But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation.”[39]
Let’s turn to the only verse in the Old Testament that says Jesus Christ in Hebrew. Habakkuk 3:13 contains the Hebrew words; “Yashua Meshiyach” which is Jesus Messiah or Jesus Christ. See the name Jesus actually means salvation. So the verse says; “Thou didst go forth for the salvation of Thy people, (The text then says ‘For Yasha Meshiyach’ (but could this be by Yashua Meshiyach).”[40] A few verses later in the text it says; “Yet I will exult in the LORD, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.”[41]
Hannah the mother of the great Old Testament prophet Samuel in one of the greatest prayers of the Bible prayed; “I rejoice in Thy salvation.”[42] The entire Old Testament bears witness that salvation is from God. There is no way for man to save himself. Isaiah makes it very clear when he wrote; “Behold, God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid; For the LORD GOD is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation. Therefore you will joyously draw water from the springs of salvation. And in that day you will say, ‘Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name.”[43]
I just love this passage, ‘God is my salvation, He has become my salvation’ and then as almost a prophetic reference to the woman at the well it says; ‘you will joyously draw water from the springs of salvation’. And those who believe all call on His name, “that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow… and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”[44]
Look what the Psalmist wrote; “God who is our salvation. God is to us a God of deliverances; And to GOD the Lord belong escapes from death.”[45] How do we escape the wages of sin (which is death)? By God who is our salvation. He is a God of deliverances and to God belong escapes from death. Wow, can it be any clearer, that man cannot save himself.
Jesus is salvation to all who believe
No wonder the Psalmist also wrote; “My soul waits in silence for God only; From Him is my salvation.”[46] This salvation that is from God is fulfilled in Jesus. In fact, right after His birth, Jesus is taken to the temple. Jesus is met by Simeon who looking for the salvation of Israel “and the Holy Spirit was upon him.”[47] Simeon then prophesied regarding baby Jesus, “For my eyes have seen Thy salvation.”[48]
Jesus is the salvation of God. We could not go to God, so God came to us. And then as if to announce His entrance into the house of Zaccheus, Jesus said; “Today salvation has come to this house, because he too, is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”[49]
Although we deserve death for our sin, and God is more than justified to pour out His wrath on all mankind. God provided deliverance, God brought us salvation. The Bible says; “For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.”[50]
Transformed into the image of God
Originally “God created man, He made him in the likeness of God.”[51] Man lived in a state of innocence, but with sin came death. Then notice that when Adam had a son, Seth, the Bible doesn’t say that Seth was in the image of God. Instead it says; “When Adam had lived one hundred and thirty years, he became the father of a son in his own likeness, according to his image, and named him Seth.”[52] Seth was in the image of his fallen father Adam.
The only way for us to be transformed in is to “turn to the Lord.”[53] We must trust in Jesus and what He did for our salvation, then the Bible says, we “are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory.”[54] We may not have been born in the image of God as Adam originally was, but if we believe in Jesus and are born again then we can be transformed into God image, from glory to glory.
This is why when Jesus said to Nicodemus, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”[55] We have all been born in the likeness of fallen man, being birthed by water. But Jesus said; “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.”[56]
All of us have been born of flesh, but by believing and trusting in Jesus we are born again. 1 Corinthians chapter 15 talks about this theme of the flesh and the Spirit, this idea of the earthly and the heavenly; It says, “The first man (the first Adam) is from the earth, earthy; the second man (or second Adam) is from heaven… And just as we have borne the image of the earthy, we (who believe) shall also bear the image of the heavenly.”[57]
“So also it is written, ‘The first Man, Adam, became a living soul.’ The last Adam became a life-giving spirit. However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural; then the spiritual.”[58] All of mankind has been born into this earthy fallen state, this natural state is first; then comes the spiritual. Jesus said, “Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.”[59]
This is why I love this next passage from John 1:12-13 which says; “But as many as received Him (Jesus), to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believed in His name, who were born not of blood, nor or the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.” If we receive Jesus and believe on His name we are born, not of blood, not by flesh, not by man, but we are born of God, we’re born again!
A New Creation
Remember the words used to describe man in his fallen state at the beginning of this chapter. They were all from a passage in Isaiah 59, they included; “defiled, mutters wickedness, works of iniquity, act of violence, feet run to evil, shed innocent blood, thoughts of iniquity, paths crooked, darkness, gloom, blind men, stumble, dead men, transgressions are multiplied, sins testify against us, transgressions are with us, we know our iniquities, transgressing and denying the LORD, and turning away from our God.”
Now look at the words to describe man after he has been redeemed and reconciled to God through Jesus; “The People of God, the Sons of God, Beloved, A Chosen Generation, A Holy Nation, Children of God, Saints, Priests, The Redeemed, Called out Ones, Born from Above, and Wearer of White Robes.” What a difference between these two, it’s literally like night and day.
The Bible says it this way; “Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature (or a new creation); the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. Now all these things are from God, who reconciled us to Himself through Christ… Not counting their trespasses against them!”[60] We are his new creation. The old has gone and the new has come. God makes all things new.
I know that there is not a lot of hidden revelation in this chapter, but this is foundational to understanding both the first and second coming. We must see man in the state that he was in prior to the first coming. We must see that, man was appointed mortal sorrow. We must see that we could not save ourselves from our fallen sinful state.
Yet in spite of all this the Bible says; “He chose us… He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will… His grace, which He freely bestowed on us… In Him we have redemption through His blood… according to the riches of His grace, which He lavished upon us… He made know to us the mystery of His will, according to His kind intention… In Him, you also after listening to the message of truth the gospel of your salvation having also believed, you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise.”[61]
Notice that this salvation is all by God; it is His will, His grace, His kind intention. All we did is listen to the message of truth and believe! But it was His purpose which He freely bestowed and His message which He made know. The very next chapter of Ephesians says it like this;
“And you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit that is now working in the sons of disobedience. Among them we too all formerly lived in the lusts of our flesh, indulging the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, even as the rest. But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ. (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus, in order that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast.”[62]
Man was appointed death (mortal sorrow), but God provided a way out! If you are not born again, not born of the Spirit, take time right now and be reconciled to God through Jesus. Go find a place and pray, calling out to God, confessing Jesus as Lord of your life, turning away from your past and giving your life to the only one who can save you. God promises to give you a new heart with new desires.[63] God Bless you!
[1] Isaiah 59:2
[2] Isaiah 59:2
[3] Isaiah 59:2-13
[4] Genesis 6:5
[5] 2 Peter 3:6-7
[6] Romans 3:22-23
[7] Revelation 20:15
[8] Hebrews 9:27
[9] Romans 6:23
[10] Romans 5:18
[11] Exodus 34:7 Clarification Added
[12] Isaiah 64:6
[13] Romans 3:10
[14] Romans 3:19-20
[15] Mark 10:18
[16] Published in the Psychological Review 1943
[17] Galatians 5:17, 18-19
[18] Jeremiah 17:9-10
[19] Reader’s Digest, March 2006
[20] Matthew 10:39
[21] United Nations Eighth United Survey on Crime Trends
[22] Romans 8:13
[23] Colossians 3:5-7
[24] Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23
[25] Colossians 2:8
[26] Matthew 11:3-5
[27] John 3:17
[28] Isaiah 59:16
[29] Ephesians 2:8-9
[30] Romans 5:8
[31] John 4:10
[32] Isaiah 55:1
[33] Romans 3:24
[34] Romans 3:21
[35] Deuteronomy 9:4-6
[36] Psalm 3:8
[37] Jonah 2:9
[38] Isaiah 52:10
[39] Micah 7:7
[40] Habakkuk 3:13 Emphasis Added
[41] Habakkuk 3:18 Emphasis Added
[42] 1 Samuel 2:1
[43] Isaiah 12:2-4
[44] Philippians 2:10-11
[45] Psalm 68:19-20
[46] Psalm 62:1
[47] Luke 2:25
[48] Luke 2:30
[49] Luke 19:10-11
[50] 1 Thessalonians 5:9
[51] Genesis 5:1
[52] Genesis 5:3
[53] 2 Corinthians 3:16
[54] 2 Corinthians 3:18
[55] John 3:3
[56] John 3:5-6
[57] 1 Corinthians 15:47, 49
[58] 1 Corinthians 15:45-46
[59] John 3:7
[60] 2 Corinthians 5:17-19
[61] Ephesians 1:4-9, 13
[62] Ephesians 2:1-9
[63] Jeremiah 31:33, 2 Corinthians 3:2-3
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