Thursday, August 20, 2009

Three Companions of the Virgin tell more of the story!

Still amazed at what was revealed out of our first of the 12 major constellations, Virgo. The first of the three companion constellations is Coma the ancient Hebrew name is Comah and the name means the desired or the longed for, just as in the passage from Haggai 2:7.
This little constellation is the shape of a woman seated holding a child in her arms. Further telling us that the Branch would come as a child. Not only would a child be born and a Son given but the next constellation reveals His twin natures.
Centarus reveal the two natures of our God-man Jesus Christ. The ancient name of this constellation is Bezeh which means the despised just as is found in Isaiah 53:3 where He is "despised and rejected of men." The ancient Hebrew name for this constellation was Asmeath, which means a sin-offering, just as in Isaiah 53:10. The Greek name for this constellation was Cheiron, which means the pierced. Cheiron was supposed to be immortal, but he voluntarily agreed to die. Sounds a lot like my Jesus!
The very first star my father taught me by name was "Alpha Centarus" the closest star outside of our sun to the earth. It is just 4.3 light years from the earth and is the brightest star in the southern sky. The ancient name for the Alpha star is Toliman which means the heretofore and the hereafter, just as is revealed to us about Jesus in the opening chapter of Revelation where it says, "which is, and was and is to come" (Revelation 1:8).
So far our two companion constellations tell us that our child would grow strong and that as a man have two natures and then suffer and die. But our God-man would not mearly die and fade into history, the next constellation Bootes reveals that He is coming again. And He will not be a baby in the manger anymore, not a broken man on the cross. He is coming to rule and reign!
The Greek name for our third companion constellation is Bootes which comes from the Hebrew Bo which means to come or the coming one. The ancient name of this constellation may have been Arcturus which is the name of the alpha and brightest star of this constellation. The name is even found in Job 9:9. The ancient Egyptian name of this alpha star is Smat which means the one who rules or governs.
We learn more about the constellation Bootes from the name of the brightest stars within this constellation. The Beta star is named Nekkar and it means the pierced, from Zechariah 12:10. This tells us that the one who will come and rule and reign is the one who was peirced.
The star in the spear-head named Al Katurops means the branch or treading under foot.
The star just below the waist is called Mirac which means the coming forth as an arrow. This points out that when Jesus returns he will do so quickly. Another name for this same star is Mizar which means the preserver or guarding one.
The star Muphride which is in the left leg near Arcturus has a name which means who seperates. As in the one who is coming who will seperate the sheep from the goats.
This year opening constellation of Virgo with her three companion constellations tell quite a story. First a virgin is carrying the her own seed, hence the seed of a woman. She bears the branch the Messiah who is King and servant, God and man. He comes as a child who will grow strong in His dual nature until the God-man becomes the despised and reject of men and our sin-offering. Then although he was pierced for our transgressions, He will come again to rule and reign subduing His enemies, treading them under foot.

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