Friday, August 28, 2009

The struggle with the enemy is won by our mighty hero!

The heavens reveal the plan of the one who brings war against our redeemer. Serpens attempts to take the crown, Corona. However, Ophiuchus wrestles with him, even as though to be struck on the heel by the Scorpion and His other foot over the very heart of the Scorpio.

All this is a contest for dominion, remember when Jesus was in the wilderness and Satan came to test him. He took Jesus to a very high mountain and showed Him the kingdoms of the earth and all their glory saying, "All these are mine, worship me and I shall give them to you" (Luke 4:6, paraphrase).

Serpens is the Serpent of the garden who comes to kill, steal and destroy. The brightest star in the constellation, the Alpha star, is Unuk which means encompassing. In the Hebrew the name is Alyah or the accursed and in Arabic the name is Al Hay meaning the reptile.

The next brightest star, the Beta star is Cheleb or Chelbalrai which means the serpent enfolding, both the Hebrew and Arabic names mean the serpent held.

Hercules is the strong one who comes to crush and destroy the works of the serpent. The Alpha star Ras al Gethi, located in the head of Hercules, whose name means the head of him who bruises. The Beta star is Kornephorus which means the branch or kneeling. Other stars with in the constellation of Hercules are Ma'asyn which means the sin-offering and Caiam which means punishing or treading under foot.

Notice that as our mighty vanquisher goes to battle with the serpent, He is brought to one knee in the conflict as if He had been struck on the heel, yet holding up His victorious club as if to subdue all His enemies and planting His foot on the head of the Serpent. Fulfilling Genesis 3:15, "You (the serpent) shall bruise his heel, and He (the seed of the Woman) shall bruise your head."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the Exhortation !!! Good one ,i loved it when you did this in person ,too... peace-ray
