Monday, August 24, 2009

The Cross endured by the Victim Slain then a Crown bestowed

The Scales (Libra) have three companion constellations; the great southern cross (Crux), a victim slain (Lupus), and a crown (Corona).
I was amazed to learn of an extra-biblical source inwhich it tells a a dream Pharaoh of Egypt had. In his dream, Pharaoh saw a giant scale with the land of Egypt on one side and a lamb on the other (Targum Jonathan). What is amazing is that Egypt represents the fallen world and the lamb is Jesus Christ.
The three companion constellations to Libra tell how the scales come into balance. First, is the cross Crux, the Hebrew name of the great southern cross is Adom which means cutting off as in Daniel 9:26, "After 62 weeks Messiah shall be cut off." Amazingly this constellation has been sinking in the southern sky from Jerusalem and disappeared from sight there around 32 A.D.
The second companion constellation is Lupus a wolf who is slain, although the ancient constellation is that of an animal slain. The Hebrew name Asedah and Arabic name Asedaton, both mean to be slain. But notice in the heavens he is slain by Centaur or by himself the God-man. Jesus said himself, "that no one takes his life but he lays it down freely, having the power to take it up again" (John 10:15-18). The ancient Zodiac of Denderah pictures a lamb called Sura. Jesus is the lamb slain from the foundation of the world to offset the scales that hold our sin.
"And being found in appearance as a man He humbled Himself even unto death (Lupus), even death on a cross (Crux), wherefore God has highly exalted Him (Corona) and given Him a name which is above every name" (Philipians 2:5-12).
The last of the three companion signs tells of the crown bestowed. Hebrews 2:9 tells that although Jesus suffered death he is crowned with glory. The Hebrew name of this constellation is Atarah which is a royal crown. Corona's alpha star is Al Phecca or the shining.
So our second constellation along with the companion constellations would read in the heavens of the great redemption work through death on a cross and ending with a crown bestowed.

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